Release Notes

The following releases are available for the OpenShot Cloud API. It is recommended you use the most current release when starting up a new instance. See Upgrade instructions.


  • 3.1.0

    • New Schema generation for OpenAPI (3.0.3): /schema/ endpoint for Yaml schema file

    • Added /swagger-ui/ and /redoc/ to better document all available API endpoints. See Schema Documentation.

    • Large refactor of Schema related data (default values, argument names in routes, method descriptions)

    • Upgraded DRF framework to 3.15.1

    • Large refactor of Serializers (BaseSerializer & BaseModelSerializer)

    • Large refactor of “json” fields (to make them accept “strings” or {} objects), which results in less errors.

    • Stricter URL regex for IDs (must be integer in URL patterns). This was required for proper schema generation.

    • Refactored language codes into a common ENUM (for improved schema generation)

    • Fixed regression causing default values to not appear in web interface

    • New unit tests to verify duplicate file uploads do not crash

    • Protections around CopyFile serializer (prevent crashes in certain circumstances)

    • Protections around File.get_media() when using Cloud buckets and a missing “json” attribute

    • New environment variable to prevent OpenAI Whisper file permission errors

    • Refactored many unit tests, to use ‘json’ arg instead of ‘data’ arg (requests module)

    • Moved the following endpoints (grouping under /settings/ to clean-up API):

      • /aws/validate -> /settings/aws/validate

      • /azure/validate -> /settings/azure/validate

      • /google/validate -> /settings/google/validate


  • 3.0.3

    • Refactor QApplication initialization code and set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to temp folder

    • Fixing regression which displays debug [ERROR] messages during the initial run of config-openshot-cloud

    • Improving config-openshot-cloud command to default CLOUD_HTTP_HOST to the public IP detected

    • Updating Google Cloud documentation, GCP marketplace URL, diagram, and instructions

  • 3.0.2

    • Adding Google Cloud Support (Pub/Sub & Cloud Storage integration, currently pending approvals for Google Cloud Marketplace)

    • Allow effects to be applied BEFORE or AFTER a clip’s keyframes (very useful for Mask effects, libopenshot C++)

    • Added auto-resize capability to Crop effect (to maximize the size of the cropped area in the video)

    • Improving Shutdown behavior of video processing worker script (handle SIGTERM signal correct, to cleanly and quickly shutdown any video rendering, and mark the export as failed)

    • Fixed audio pops in certain scenarios (when down sampling from 48000 to 44100 sample rate, libopenshot C++)

    • More verbose logging around webhooks, to document failures and make troubleshooting easier

    • Adding lock around SetCache method to prevent crash (libopenshot C++)

    • Fixed large memory leak on Clips where we were not clearing cache on Close or forcing Close on destruction (libopenshot C++)

    • Fixed caption parsing to better support numeric caption text (libopenshot C++)

    • Add additional logging to audio device initialization (libopenshot C++)

  • 3.0.1

    • Fixed multiple WEBM decoding issues (libopenshot would sometimes freezes or experience decoding artifacts with certain WEBM files)

    • Fixed bug causing audio-only clips to cover up images on lower tracks (i.e. audio clips were outputting a black opaque image)

    • Fixed regression with /info/fonts/ endpoint (permission issue when adding new fonts to /usr/share/fonts/)

    • Expanded list of installed font files (3.0.0 release had a limited # of fonts)

    • Fixing issue with bash history file (to correctly truncate for Azure technical validation)

  • 3.0.0

    • Added new /files/<id>/transcribe/ endpoint (powered by OpenAI Whisper AI) to transcribe voice and audio files. Can also translate transcription to English. Generates VTT/Subrip formatted caption text.

    • Added new /clips/<id>/captions/ endpoint, which adds VTT/Subrip formatted caption text to a Clip. This endpoint can also import transcription data from the related File object (if transcription data is available).

    • Improved time re-mapping (slow down, speed up - especially when using Bezier keyframes)

    • Improved audio reversing code (for playing videos in reverse)

    • Improvements to audio-only clip visualizations - which can now show waveforms and utilize Caption effects (for example, audio transcriptions on top of animated waveform)

    • Updates to default Caption Effect properties (smaller font size, smaller left/right margins). Also fixed many bugs with VTT/Subrip regular expression parsing - increasing compatibility with more caption data

    • Improved calculation for render update frequency - to use “time” instead of “frames”. This reduces the # of progress updates which happen during a render, especially for high FPS renders, reducing HTTP traffic. The setting SECONDS_BETWEEN_UPDATES is now defaulted to 3 seconds.

    • Updated supported image formats: .bmp, .dpx, .exr, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pam, .pbm, .pcx, .pgm, .png, .pnm, .ppm, .psd, .sgi, .svg, .tga, .thm, .tif, .tiff, .webp, .xbm, .xpm, .xwd

    • Latest security patches and updates. Updated Django to 4.1.7, DFR to 3.14.0, and many other Python packages.

    • Fixed Zombie threads left behind after a video export, which over time can cause VM failures due to resource limits.

    • Large Memory Leak fixed after each video export is completed. This was causing an increase in RAM usage over time, and especially noticeable on higher resolution exports.

    • New Worker Clean-Up which removes old cached project assets on worker instances, after an export is completed. This ignores pending and in-progress exports. This can be disabled with a value of 0 (during configuration of instance).

    • New Automated Project Clean-Up which removes old projects after X days. This can be disabled with a value of 0 (during configuration of instance).

    • Improved cron schedule (new clean-up tasks, optimized schedule to reduce CPU and collisions)

    • New documentation regarding automated clean-up tasks. See Manage Server Files and Manage Worker Files.

    • Updated base OS to Ubuntu 22.04 Minimal LTS (Jammy)

  • 2.3.0

    • Async and PTS Timestamp improvements which fixes many bugs related to out-of-order frames, repeated frames, invalid durations, or missing frames at the beginning or end of a video file. This also dramatically improves performance on certain types of video/audio files that contain missing packets/frames.

    • Caption Improvements Many big updates to our Caption effect (including auto center alignment, background color now stays behind text, adjustable line spacing, and many bug fixes)

    • Improved Merging Fixed bug in /projects/<id>/merge/ endpoint, which prevented the original_merge_id from being added to merged clips and effects.

    • Removed Validation which prevented clips from being longer than their file’s duration. It is now completely valid to extend a clip past the file duration, and it will now freeze frame on the final frame (if needed) with muted audio.

    • Improved Text-Replace Fixed bug with /text-replace/ endpoint, to prevent file caching on distributed worker instances (i.e. the file name is now changed after calling this function)

    • Improved Export Failure Detection Added new statuses to the export process (preparing & finalizing) for more visibility into the export process, and with this additional context we have improved our detection of failures (which prevents accidental export failures).

    • Bug fix Actions (on Projects, Clips, Files, and Exports) now use the correct and current protocol (i.e. https vs http)

    • Bug fix /files/find/ endpoint has been fixed to correctly include embedded clip masks (this would fail previously on worker instances which could not locate the mask files)

    • Reduced Memory Usage By reducing the default QUEUE_MESSAGES_PER_SCRIPT setting from 12 to 4 (causing the render script to restart more often, clearing server memory)

    • Updates to documentation

  • 2.2.2

    • Memory improvements (i.e. reduced memory needed for Exports)

    • Memory leak fixed (when using longer 60+ min duration clips in different FPS than the project)

    • Auto Retry any Export which has been failed by a scheduled cron cleanup job (i.e. pending for too long, hard crash, cloud scaling termination). Only retires 1 time.

    • Launch of new Demo UI (simple-editor). MIT licensed, open-source, and a great jump-start to building your own custom web UI!

    • New Demos page included in the documentation

    • Fixed big regression with CORS support in v2.2.1 (moving from Apache to Python CORS support)

    • Improved Basic Auth: No longer return www-authenticate: Basic realm="api" response header if X-Requested-With request header is XMLHttpRequest. This prevents the web browser from prompting the user during 401 Basic auth failures when using XMLHttpRequest’s from the browser/JavaScript.

    • Cron jobs only run on instances configured as ‘server’ or ‘both’ (ignoring ‘worker’ instances)

    • Increasing # of foreign key values in dropdowns to 3000 (up from 1000), when using the default REST web UI.

    • Refactor how cloud environment is detected and loaded (development vs production)

    • New /tokens/ endpoint (to retrieve a token for a specific user)

  • 2.2.1

    • Fixed regression in config-openshot-cloud command (causing all custom username and passwords to be invalid)

  • 2.2.0

    • Updated Chroma Key effect to support new color modes (using babl color library) - Improving Chromakey quality in many cases.

    • Updated ReSVG library, for improved SVG compatibility and lots of quality of life updates for SVG rendering

    • Added new /exports/<id>/cancel/ endpoint, for canceling pending and in-progress video exports.

    • Updated worker script to process 12 videos before exiting (by default). The script will restart (to clear memory) after this happens.

    • Added support for a variety of export bitrate formats, instead of just bytes (7600000, 7.6 Mb/s, 7600 kb/s, 5 crf (0-63), 5 cqp (0-63), 20 qp (0-255))

    • Improved support for @transitions and @emojis in File and Clip paths.

    • Added support for all emojis in OpenShot 2.6.x (@emojis file paths will correctly resolve now)

    • Updated transition files (all transitions in OpenShot 2.6.x)

    • Added new /projects/<id>/download/format/ endpoint, for downloading offline EDL or XML (Final Cut Pro) project files

    • Fixed regression with copied projects rendering on worker instances (where some files could be located in the wrong folder)

    • Improved /files/find/ endpoint to only return unique files (improving performance on projects with many duplicate resources)

    • Updated libopenshot and libopenshot-audio libraries, improved performance

    • Fixed SCALE_NONE scaling bugs resulting in images that were too large (this was a regression in libopenshot)

    • Added Auto-Scaling Azure documentation (Scale Sets)

    • Adding many audio-only effects: (compressor, expander, distortion, delay, echo, noise, EQ, robot, whisper)

    • Fixed config-openshot-cloud issue on Azure, which would not disable the worker process on a server instance (causing the worker to continue processing exports on the server)

    • Block most signals from triggering on upgrade (i.e. loaddata)

    • Improved error logging on worker / video processing script

    • Improved documentation for manually upgrading between API versions

    • Migration helper script for older API customers (migrating from an older DB schema)

    • Improved thumbnail endpoints, which correctly size thumbnails to the requested dimensions.

    • Fixed small bug in /files/ID/download endpoint, where certain file names were incorrectly escaped

    • Removing redundant call to /exports/ID/ on worker script (small performance improvement)

    • Webhooks are now sent with application/json content-type by default (instead of form-urlencoded). Legacy support can be toggled (for application/x-www-form-urlencoded if needed by including "json": { "webhook-form-urlencoded": true} in your export record).

    • Failed exports will now include an error message in the Export record: "json": { "error": "Something went very wrong!"}

    • Clips with time keyframes no longer validate the end property (i.e. it can be longer than the duration in these cases)

    • Improved unit tests to ensure better quality and to verify all bug fixes

    • Fixed PATCH CORS error, where certain policies would prevent PATCH from working

  • 2.1.1

    • Fixed regression with audio-only exports (now both video and audio exports support mp4_faststart)

    • Updated documentation related to aac audio codecs

    • Updated list of available effects (to dynamically list all libopenshot effects)

    • Added support for HTTPS load balancers (HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO)

  • 2.1.0

    • Massive performance improvements in video compositing, encoding, and decoding processing

    • Audio crackling/popping fixes on libopenshot, which affected certain sample rate and frame rate conversions.

    • Audio crash fixed which would cause certain channel layout (i.e. MONO) to freeze and crash.

    • Added a C# example script in the getting_started section

    • Added /projects/<id>/merge/ endpoint for combining two projects. This is especially useful for combining template projects.

    • Exif support for most image formats (auto-rotation)

    • Support for Captions effect (single VTT/subrip string which can display text through-out a video, including animation)

    • Updated libopenshot and libopenshot-audio libraries, improved performance (pre-multiplied alpha channels)

    • Improved support for videos containing an alpha channel

    • Added interlaced and top_field_first Export json attributes (that can be overwritten)

    • mp4_faststart enabled for video exports (moov atom is located at the beginning of the file) to enable streaming

    • Fixed bug when webhook url called contains localhost/private IP instead of public http host

    • Added logging to all cases in which os.unlink is called

    • Added validations to /clips/ POST, PUT, AND PATCH endpoints, to ensure clips do not exceed the file duration, and other common issues

  • 2.0.0

    • Introduced the concept of shallow copy (physical media file is not duplicated) in files

    • Improved support for nested Clip effects and effect paths, including /validate/, /download/, and /load/ improvements related to clip effects.

    • /project/ID/copy/ and /files/ID/copy endpoint by default perform a shallow copy

    • For performing PUT PATCH DELETE on /files/ID/ endpoint, project is now a required parameter for files being shared in more than one projects

    • Introduced the /projects/ID/files/ID/ endpoint that supports GET PUT PATCH DELETE

    • To update a file for all projects sharing the file, pass update_all=true as a query string parameter in the PUT PATCH DELETE methods on /file/ID/. User must have access to all of the related projects

    • When PUT PATCH is executed on either /files/ID/ (with project param) or /projects/ID/files/ID/ on an file that is being shared by more than one project, a new file object is created and the previous file is de-referenced from the project.files

    • With this change, it is possible for files of one project to exist in the folder of another project (even deleted projects)

    • Refactored signals into a new file

    • Improved stability, and many new unit tests to ensure quality

  • 1.3.0

    • Full support for image sequences (with transparency), such as Blender animations, animated overlays, etc… * /cloud-admin/ is now a fully supported environment, allowing full API functionality from the Admin.

    • Added /storage/ endpoints for calculating size of files and projects (/files/<id>/storage/ and /projects/<id>/storage/)

    • Added ability to mirror all API media files in cloud storage (so the API server can remove local files and re-download them when needed)

    • Fixed many bugs related to saving/uploading/changing media files for File objects

    • Added improved ability to use local Django models with custom applications

    • Improved testing, automation, and quality improvements

    • Updated verbiage and images for Azure support (including new documentation pages)

    • Fixed bug which marked almost completed (>99% progress) exports as failed

    • Fixed bug in /projects/ID/copy/ endpoint, which prevented the copying of custom effect masks

    • Fixed bug when loading a *.zip containing a __MACOS hidden folder

    • Fixed bug in orphaned file clean-up, which would delete custom effect masks

    • Fixed bug with OPTIONS configuration (was throwing error)

    • Fixed bug with config-openshot-cloud resetting the wrong superuser account password

    • Fixed bug where S3 uploads had incorrect/no content-type set

    • Added documentation for storage scaling support (Amazon Elastic File System: EFS)

  • 1.2.3

    • Added retry logic for download files from URL or S3 (when creating File objects)

    • Added retry logic when inspecting newly uploaded File objects

    • Improved error handling and logging when invalid or corrupted File objects are used

    • Added secure download endpoints for media files (/files/<id>/download/ and /exports/<id>/download/)

    • Workers now fallback to secure download endpoints, if direct media URLs are invalid (i.e. if you manually disable them in Apache for security)

    • Added new configuration setting to override HTTP_HOST (and force all URLs to use any public URL you want). This is especially useful for webhooks (which often refers to

    • Improvements to config-openshot-cloud command, messages, formatting, AWS/Azure cloud detection, and support for Azure cloud backend (Queue and Blob storage)

    • Added Azure Blob Storage support to File and Export endpoints (Exports can support both S3 and Azure Blob storage concurrently)

    • Added Azure Queue Storage support for Export queue management (OpenShot API now supports both SQS or Azure Queues… just not at the same time)

  • 1.2.2

    • Improved /files/<id>/copy/ endpoint, which now has an optional “project” parameter. This can be used to copy a file to a different project.

    • Much improved config-openshot-cloud command (formatting and layout improvements, ability to register for support)

    • Fixed Effect (Mask) bug where workers were not able to download a custom asset

    • Added new unit tests with more coverage and many additional edge cases handled

    • Upgraded libopenshot C++ library with latest improvements and bug fixes (including a serious SVG mask related bug)

    • Experimental hardware acceleration support in libopenshot (requires instances with hardware encoders/decoders)

    • More reliable asset downloading between workers and server (retry logic and improved error reporting)

    • Enable CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) by default (can be disabled in /etc/apache2/sites-available/openshot.conf)

    • Upgraded boto3 module, for improved AWS S3/SQS support (added support for more regions: ap-south-1)

    • Updated system libraries and applied security updates

    • Improved documentation (REST methods, frame # calculations, suggested instance types, upgrade instructions)

  • 1.2.1

    • Fixed regression with /files/<id>/copy/ endpoint, where original file media was removed

    • Fixed regression with /projects/<id>/copy/ endpoint, where original file media was removed

    • Improved documentation for token authentication

  • 1.2.0

    • Upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to 18.04 LTS

    • All libraries and frameworks updated (including Qt, FFmpeg, resvg, and Python)

    • Improved SVG rendering (due to updated Qt dependency)

    • Fixed SVG right alignment bug (due to updated Qt dependency)

  • 1.1.1

    • Much improved SVG rendering (using resvg library). Supports more of the SVG language than our previous Qt SVG library.

    • Fixed bug with export object, where webhooks and S3 options were being clobbered at the end of an export.

    • Fixed S3 upload failures

    • Added more unit tests to validate S3 uploading and webhooks

    • Added new /info/fonts/thumbnail/ endpoint, to preview all installed fonts

    • New default font, when the API can not find an installed font

  • 1.1.0

    • Replaced ZMQ queue with AWS SQS (for more reliable and scalable queue handling of video exports). Requires IAM user and permissions (AmazonSQSFullAccess & AmazonS3FullAccess).

    • Worker queue processing now restarts after exports are complete (clearing memory)

    • Worker file synchronizing is much faster (and more optimized)

    • Fixed /projects/<id>/load/ endpoint bug when loading ZIP archive of project files.

    • New /info/fonts/ endpoint for adding new Font files dynamically (POST method now accepted)

    • Memcached replacing local memory caching (more efficient caching)

    • /projects/<id>/files/find/ endpoint has been modified, to provide the media URL and file object URL

    • Updated documentation with new AWS SQS instructions

  • 1.0.10

    • Improved API performance (less DB queries per request)

    • File updating bug fix (updating the media of a file would break)

    • New libopenshot version (fixes some codec issues, improved performance, better detection of various media formats)

  • 1.0.9

    • Added /files/<id>/copy/ endpoint to Project and File objects

    • Added /projects/<id>/download/ endpoint for projects (ZIP archive of entire project with relative paths)

    • Added /files/<id>/text-replace/ endpoint for File objects (for easily editing SVG or text-based files)

    • Improved /projects/<id>/load/ endpoint to optionally accept a ZIP archive of an entire project with media files

    • Improved detection of installed AAC encoders

    • Improved speed of many endpoints (by reducing # of SQL queries and caching)

    • Reduced default video bitrate, for smaller files by default

    • Changed /projects/<id>/title/ endpoint to return the new file JSON (instead of a 302 redirect)

    • Allow OPTIONS method without authentication (for CORS)

    • Fixed webhooks for pending and failed exports

    • Fixed UTF-8 encoding error with unicode fonts (also added Noto fonts, including Japanese font)

    • Maintain original_id when /load/ endpoint is used

    • Added new unit tests for more coverage of API endpoints

    • Updated documentation with new endpoints

  • 1.0.8 - Updated libopenshot version (fixed volume keyframe regression), and misc library improvements / fixes

  • 1.0.7 - Reverting to libfdk_aac for AAC support. New native S3 support (for File and Export objects). Duplicate files on PUT or PATCH bug fixed. Improved file-system clean-up. Also improved docs with new S3 examples, and added upgrade instructions and release notes.

  • 1.0.6 - Improved Audio Support (AAC), Better Memory Management, Misc Bug Fixes

  • 1.0.5 - Stability Improvements, New Presets, Improved Docs

  • 1.0.4 - Improved Webhooks, Improved Docs, Improved Logging, Misc Bug fixes

  • 1.0.3 - Title Endpoints, Improved Docs, Misc Bug fixes

  • 1.0.2 - Improved Performance, Improved Stability

  • 1.0.1 - Stability Improvements, Misc Bug Fixes

  • 1.0.0 - Initial Release of OpenShot Cloud API